Home Small Home

Art By Willard Metcalf

The size of home has doubled since the 1950’s. The way people shopped, dressed and lived meant they didn’t collect so many items that they would need to have an entire new business concept of ‘decluttering’. The families were typically bigger than today as well. We need to revert to fitting into our homes instead of, like some sea creatures, growing and searching for bigger shells. Why?

Here are some reasons for choosing a smaller home.

-Affordability: From initial purchase price to ongoing expenses like utilities, maintenance and taxes, smaller homes are generally more affordable.

-Sustainability: Smaller homes require fewer materials to build and consume less energy for heating, cooling, and lighting. This makes them an eco-friendlier housing option.

-Ease of Maintenance: Less square footage means small homes are easier to clean and maintain. Homeowners spend less time and effort on routine upkeep tasks like cleaning, repairs, and yard work.

-Coziness and Comfort: Less square footage can seem cozy and secure. The smaller scale fosters a feeling of warmth and homeliness.

-Minimalism Promotion: With limited space, homeowners are motivated to declutter and prioritize the essentials, leading to reduced possessions, increased organization, and a greater focus on what truly matters.

-Quality Construction: There is more room in the building budget for a focus on quality construction materials and finishes. The home will be more luxurious while maintaining its value better over time.

-Efficient Use of Space: Every square foot can be carefully planned with innovative storage solutions and multi-functional living areas. This efficient use of space ensures that every part of the home serves a purpose, maximizing functionality and livability.

Here are some sample floor plans in the 1000 sq ft range.

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